HexaFlip was born out of the time-picker interface in the iPhone app ChainCal. It’s been expanded to visualize arbitrary arrays of any length.
For a detailed walk through the code, take a look at the Codrops article written about HexaFlip.
HexaFlip is developed by Dan Motzenbecker. For similar UI experiments, check out oriDomi and Maskew. Follow me on twitter for updates and other experiments.
Create an instance by passing a DOM element and a key-value set of arrays:
var cubeSet = new HexaFlip(document.getElementById('my-el'),
prince: ['For You', 'Prince', 'Dirty Mind', 'Controversy', '1999', 'Around the World in a Day'],
curtis: ['Curtis', 'Roots', 'Super Fly', 'Back to the World', 'Got to Find a Way', 'Sweet Exorcist']
// you can also pass a selector string and HexaFlip will take the first matching element:
var firstDiv = new HexaFlip('div');
If a value is a URL, HexaFlip will set that side to the image it points to, preloading it automatically.
You can also pass objects as values with style
and value
for some meticulous customization of different sides.
Make the former an object literal of CSS properties to customize the styling of that cube face.
var colorCube = new HexaFlip('#color-cube',
chromaSet: [
value: 'orange',
style: {
backgroundColor: '#e67e22',
fontWeight: 100
value: 'teal',
style: {
backgroundColor: '#1abc9c',
fontFamily: 'Futura'
value: 'yellow',
style: {
backgroundColor: '#f1c40f',
textDecoration: 'underline'
To enable horizontal rotation (like the photos above), pass it in the options:
var horizontalCube = new HexaFlip('#my-el2',
letters: ['α', 'β', 'γ', 'δ', 'ε', 'ζ', 'η', 'θ', 'ι', 'κ', 'λ', 'μ',
'ν', 'ξ', 'ο', 'π', 'ρ', 'σ', 'τ', 'υ', 'φ', 'χ', 'ψ', 'ω']
horizontalFlip: true,
size: 300
To set and get the values of the cubes:
cubeSet.setValue({ prince: '1999', curtis: 'Roots' });
To rotate the cubes to the next or previous sides:
To add custom DOM events, simply pass a key value object called
to the instance's options:
domEvents: {
mouseover: function(e, face, cube) {
face.style.backgroundColor = 'red';
mouseout: function(e, face, cube) {
face.style.backgroundColor = 'blue';
click: function(e, face, cube) {
Every callback is passed the event object, the face element that triggered the event, and the cube
element the face belongs to. The callback is automatically bound to the HexaFlip instance
so this
works properly.
For a more detailed guide, read the Codrops article.